New Frontiers – January Update

First was our 2008 Calendar. We really took a good look at our events. You should check out our calendar, which is now up to date, but some of the highlights include the Polar Bear Plunge in Seaside Heights, the re-launch of our Miniature Golf Tournament and of course, our 20th Anniversary Party at the Sheraton in Eatontown NJ. For full details, visit our Calendar of Events . We think we’ve got a really good year planned, and it includes our regular events like our meetings, conventions and parties.

We also discussed how we can stay relevant in these changing times. Star Trek is no longer on the air, the face of Sci-Fi is changing and we need to change with it. We’re going to make some changes to our flyers, word things a little differently on our Web site and think about the types of events we’d like to recruit from. We also approved a plan for two years for the price of one membership for new members. We hope it provides a great incentive for those who want to join.

Going hand in hand with recruiting, we decided we’d like to keep our community service events, aim at a large recruiting event such as Sci-Fi Saturday at the Ocean County Library, and speak to the folks at the community center about moving our meetings to Saturday. Since our membership is geographically spread, we hope that having Saturday meetings might bring more of our members from other areas into the fold.

We also discussed open staff positions. We have a number of assistant chief positions open and waiting to be filled. These jobs are a great opportunity for someone to get involved right away in being a part of how the club runs and take responsibility for their part of the ship. Anyone interested, be it a member or prospective member, in these positions should contact the XO at .

Anyway, it’s going to be a great year for the club, and we think it’s only fitting that our 20th year be our best.