Posts Tagged ‘region 7’

SUB SPACE CHATTER: The Happy Mother’s Day Edition

Written by Laura Victor on May 10, 2010. Posted in Challenger News

The chapter is the oldest in the 7th Fleet and I know we will have a good time recalling old times. I am a founding member of the Avenger and even have the armband (a unique item that was part of our very early membership package) to prove it.

Next month the USS Sovereign will note its 20th birthday which is another milestone for a chapter. Those chapters that make it to two decades have a rich and diverse history. I know I am looking forward to attending both these events and sharing memories of past adventures we’ve had.


While we will be looking back to a great degree at the aforementioned events, we can also recall a one year anniversary of this weekend. Remember the excitement we had just one year ago when many of us camped out at our local movie theater, in uniform or chapter shirt to promote the big screen return of our favorite sci-fi saga with STAR TREK. That event helped to reinvigorate our organization and ST fandom in general. Many of us recruited a number of new members during the month of May 2009.

It is a year later and I hope that many of those new members to our respective chapters are still involved and possibly an active force in SF and the chapters they joined.

Is ST fandom what it was 12 months ago? Well, to my observation not quite. I’ve noted a bit of lull creeping in again although the online game did help to keep the momentum going. Thus far in 2010 we’ve had a pretty active year. From seeing our MSRs there has been activity despite the snow filled winter. The NJ Polar Bear Plunge and Challenger’s Intergalactic Food Festival received a good turnout and Farpoint got decent representation from SF members. I*Con in Long Island proved to be a blast and involved three chapters and this month’s Trek Olympics in the Maryland Sector will bring together members of chapters in that area and possibly beyond.For most chapters, the summer season is a busy one with picnics and barbeques and special gatherings.


As we know, the nomination phase for the next RC election cycle has begun and if you plan to nominate a candidate or show support for our current RC, Wayne Augustson who is seeking another two year term, the deadline is coming up this week. Please send in that nomination if you plan to do so.


As per tradition, STARFLEET will be well represented at Shore Leave at the Hunt Valley Inn in Maryland on the second weekend of July. The event has some great guests this year especially if you are a Battlestar Galactica fan. We will have a SF table and there are plans in the works for tweaking our approach and bring more snap to our presence at the con with some giveaways and even dancing Orion slave girls on the table…okay, just kidding about that last part but its not a bad idea. We will need volunteers and we know that many of you out there help out once you know your own personal schedules once the con schedule is planned out.

We will have a SF meeting, most likely at 9 or 10 am on the Saturday of the con as always. Other details will be posted in the weeks to come.


A number of 7th Fleet members will be heading out to Oklahoma on the last weekend of July for the Starfleet International Conference. This will be a very interesting year in that it is an election year and most likely, candidates for that office will be presenting their platforms and plans during the IC. The nomination process for SF President begins on June 1 and you will be hearing more about that in a few weeks from now. As next year’s IC will be held in Region 7, there will be a major effort to promote IC2011 at both this year’s Shore Leave and at this year’s IC. Watch for further announcements.


I close on the happy note that Iron Man 2 is currently in theaters but of course you all knew that. I will be seeing that much anticipated flick in about three hours myself with members of my crew and two guests from the USS Avenger. It looks fantastic and it should be kick off blockbuster action film for the summer season. For those who do get a chance to see it in the next few days, post some comments (and any spoiler alerts) to the R7 list so we can talk about it.

As always, if you have an idea, a problem, a complaint a question or compliment reach out to Region 7 Command. We are easy to find. Check out the R7 website at for the contact information of the staff member you wish to reach.


After-Action Report: 2007 JDF Walk

Written by Laura Victor on September 30, 2007. Posted in Challenger News

Some, like Avenger's Brenda Bell walked briskly and with great pace. Most of us though, enjoyed the sights, stopped here and there, chatted and caught up on things ranging from the latest episode of Doctor Who to Regional news to just plain conversation.

Highlights included our stop at a candy store on the boardwalk (the fact that we were walking for a Diabetes fundraiser was not lost to us in the irony of that stop) watching a Golden Labrador Retriever decide to take a break even if his walk team didn't want to had us laughing. He just stopped near a pavilion and layed down for awhile and looked up to his owner as if to say…I'm taking a break so don't even think about going forward.''

Avenger XO Todd Brugmans enjoyed walking in his monster maroon and got some notice for it even from the Fun Town Pier carousel operator who gave us the hand gesture of "May the Force Be With You" and then got a crash course on the difference between ST and SW.

Food is always a big part of the after event scenario and the Starlord who were in full force with Cadet Taryn Podesta, her parents Joe and Michelle, family and crew heading out to Tiffany's Restaurant in Toms River invited the rest of the 7th Fleet reps along and we had a great time. Challenger MSG OIC Col. Pat Comune nearly lost his hat to sneaker skating Taryn but that was okay it gave some exercise to our Marine since he slept through the walk this year. (Next year Pat we're getting you up in time!) <G>

We all shared new and old stories and discussed the fun we've all had at recent Ren Faires, and fall festivals.

Michelle and Annie Slonski who took point on the two teams of Fleet members  who were part of the walk will have even more details to post but I just wanted to say it was a great, day, we had a fun and morning and every bit of  donated money helped the cause of getting one step closer to finding a cure.

This is shaping up to a real sector tradition each fall and it was also great to see some friends from our PA Sector as well.

It was great seeing everyone again in Seaside Heights especially on the boardwalk where we usually assemble before a painful dip into icy water during the annual Polar Bear Plunge. Walking was much more fun.

Adm. Bob Vosseller
NJ Sector Chief
CO USS Challenger NCC-1676-D

UPDATE: View the JDF Walk Photo Gallery!